Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Surgery Over!

Well...all this surgery stuff is behind me...Thank God! It's just the recovery time now.
On Friday it was a bit creepy knowing I was going into surgery. I had to go into pre-op and get all ready sitting there in that bed with the IV and monitors hooked up to me...just waiting for them to wheel me into the operating room was so unnerving. I just tried to keep calm knowing it was going to all be ok. As they wheeled me into the operating room they had me move onto the operating table/bed. The lights were florecent bright and creepy everyone was in their operating masks and outfits. I almost felt like I was in a bad movie or some weekly ER drama show. Then I remember the Dr put a shot into my IV said, "this will help you relax" The next thing I know I'm waking up in the recovery room. It's weird waking up, I felt the room spinning I close my eyes and wait for it to pass. Before long I start to feel better. I think I was in surgery about one and a half hours same for recovery. The whole thing about being put under is they have you close to death tube down your throat helping you breath...eeek! Just creepy, I know they do operations everyday it's still just creepy.
The stay at the hospital wasn't too bad...I had my own room, which was so nice. My familia and friends came by and some called and chatted. Scott was there early in the AM until I went to bed at sweet! Again...thank you all for the support. It really made the world of difference knowing I had people praying for me when I was wheeled into that operating helped me keep calm.
Now on the road to recovery...can't wait to eat chocolate cake with hot fudge...mudpie....mmmm

1 comment:

The DeVito's said...

When you are ready to eat that cake let me know, I'll be there! BTW, if you are feeling up to it, we are doing a Super Bowl party here at the house. It's Frank's birthday that week and the Giants are playing!